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licensee Benefits

Reasons to become part of the Boxing 4 Health team

Our Competitor

Boxing 4 Health


Travel to US for instructor training

One head instructor must be on site

Discounts with various US retailers


No travel for training - all virtual

Startup equipment list with suggestions

Wholesale rights to purchase recommended equipment in Canada & US


Affiliate specific email

Support from Team Members

Training videos, documents, and learning management systems

Private forum access to other affiliates worldwide


Direct support from leaders on the Boxing 4 Health

Training videos and documents provided

Access to 16 templates for different class types

4 virtual meetings per year with other instructors

Private Facebook instructor portal for collaboration. Exercise of the week posted here to try in your classes


Use of RSB trademarked brand name and taglines

RSB location-specific logo

Access to RSB's recommended graphic designer

Listing on website

Potential cross promotion on website

Access to the proprietary program information including the use of the brand and trademark

Boxing 4 Health logo and instructor badge once certification is complete

Marketing resources for starting and growing your program

A 'shout out' post once a month across all of our social media platforms

Inclusion in website, advertising campaigns and events


Ability to have additional coaches trained at a discount rate

Required to re-certify every 2 years at an additional cost

Get additional coaches trained at a discount rate (20% off)

Recertification is provided in annual licensee fee - not an extra fee

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