👋 Download my free guide, "Get Your Balance Back!", with 5 easy tips you can start today!
FREE Trial Sample Classes
Selected classes chosen from our various programs.
Our higher intensity Fighter classes, boxing and HIIT classes are best for those that have low to moderate balance concerns. Exercises are Parkinson’s specific and include amplitude-based movements and dual tasking. Cognitive exercises will also be added in these classes.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a fast paced exercise class with short bursts of high intensity exercises alternated with less recovery periods.
Champions (Lower intensity)
Our Champion classes are lower intensity exercise classes. These classes are designed to help you get comfortable with your exercise while staying safe and supported. Our focus is on high quality Parkinson’s specific exercises to help you get the most out of your workouts.
Champions PLUS (Lower intensity)
Our Champion classes are lower intensity exercise classes. These classes are designed to help you get comfortable with your exercise while staying safe and supported. Our focus is on high quality Parkinson’s specific exercises to help you get the most out of your workouts.
Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility.
Specialized classes focusing on breath work, facial expressions and improving one's voice to help make those with quieter voices louder. Learn the benefits of warming up your voice, how to speak loudly safely and how to continue to best use your voice so you don't lose it!
French/Fancais. Specialized classes focusing on breath work, facial expressions and improving one's voice to help make those with quieter voices louder. Learn the benefits of warming up your voice, how to speak loudly safely and how to continue to best use your voice so you don't lose it!
YOGA & Wind down
Work through specific postures that focus on improving movement and opening up the breath for better overall health and relaxation.