Making friends can be hard especially as we get older, unless that’s only my experience? Being social is a basic human nutrient that everyone needs.
“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” -African Proverb
Did you know that loneliness is worse than smoking a half a pack of cigarettes a day or being obese? I have attached a link below to a short video from a Neurologist who speaks about loneliness and the effects it has on PD and some suggestions to work on your social circles.
If you have a support team of friends, family and health professionals definitely lean on them for advice, suggestions and support but DO make sure you are a big part in making the decisions that are going to affect you.
Your desire, need and COMMITMENT to sticking to your lifestyle goals of exercise, nutrition and whatever other goals you have set for yourself need to outweigh what others are feeling.
Because… At the end of the day, YOU, AND YOU ALONE, are the main driver of your health. At the end of the day, we are the only ones who truly know what and how we feel, whether it’s AWESOME, or like total sh*t. What you are striving for IS possible, but it comes with patience, commitment and consistency.
My 5 TIPS on how to get social again
Find a group of people or even one or two friends that you can relate to, to spend time with and do social activities with. Building a strong support network of fighters that are experiencing the same frustrations can be so, so helpful.
Exercise especially daily with others is a great way to get that social need filled and that can be in person or virtually. If you haven’t found a support group that fits your needs then let us know as we can do our best to help link you up to one.
Find a buddy, even one that can relate to what you're going through. Sharing a hobby or a passion with each other, for which you both stay accountable to each other, can help you both stay motivated as well.
Reach out to old friends and pick up the phone and call them. Even a good chat with an old friend can do wonders for your mental health and theirs as well.
If you are worried that you might have to bail once you plan a meet up or an event then try this one liner. “That doesn’t work for me. Here’s why and here’s something that does.”
Most folks are used to making certain types of hangout arrangements. Loud restaurants, intense activities, big parties(narrow spaces to walk)… you name it. And when you’re feeling off or just not top shape, sometimes you’ve gotta get creative. They might not know that, though, so be direct and tell them so!
Of course, they won’t know your condition or needs unless you actually give them that information, so be sure to let them know why something doesn’t work. What elements are a problem?
I wouldn't put all the work on their shoulders. If you’re not okay with an idea, then provide a new one. One that works for you. Try not to be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone—as long as you’re both happy, there really is no wrong way to socialize or hang out.
If you are struggling with the social side of things don’t wait, reach out to us at Boxing 4 Health or a Parkinson’s association in your area and put getting social at the top of your list.
Here is the video I mentioned at the beginning:
Don’t let Parkinson’s dictate how you want to live your life.
You might have Parkinson’s but it doesn’t have you.
P.S. I love reading your comments so please don't hesitate to write them below